Natural Stone Charlotte NC Supplier

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Landscaping has a critical role in enhancing the charm of your living or work area. It gives your yard a complete look and eliminates the messy vibe. Stones are a priority among various landscaping materials, whether you’re using them for decoration or pavement. At Andolina, we offer your project first-class materials – no matter how big or small.

Be it your garden, driveway, or pavement, we have the finest stones, and we have a massive collection. So if you ever need top-shelf stone in Charlotte NC – Andolina Materials should be your go-to.

Our landscaping stones in Charlotte NC are the top choice for professionals due to their top-notch look and weed-preventing nature. Our earth-friendly and environment-friendly stones been reported to prove their effectiveness big time.

Although there are various stones out there – path stone, crush and run stones, and decorative white stones – for different purposes, there are some expected benefits to using stone in Charlotte yards.

Material Full Load Price 1 Cubic Yard Price
Driveway Mix $719.00 $52.00
ABC or ROC (10 YD LD) $615.00 $52.00
#5, 57, 67 $779.00 $57.00
#78 $779.00 $57.00
Screenings (10 YD LD) $625.00 $53.00
Rip Rap (12 YD LD) $833.00 $61.50
RCA Recycled Concrete (10 YD) $450.00 $35.50
Surge (12 YD LD) $779.00 $57.00
Brick Chips (12 YD LD) $635.00 $45.00
NE Stone 2"-4" $3035.00 $245.00
White 1/2" Rock $2075.00 $165.00
TN River Rock 1"-2" or 4"-7" $2255.00 $180.00

But first, here are the benefits of getting
High-Quality Stones From Andolina For Your Yard:

Aesthetic appearance

Of the several purposes of the stone in Charlotte, adding beauty is a prime one. Their sizes and colors have a fantastic impact on your yard. Plae a huge stone in the middle of your yard like a centerpiece; you’ll be stunned by the gorgeous looks.

Plus, if you decorate your yard with colorful stones, it’ll magnify your green garden’s beauty and make it come alive. Also, pavestone in Charlotte, NC yard with path stones offer your garden a rusty classic look. Adding stones in the right places can amplify the beauty of your yard.

Stones are low-maintenance

Stone Charlotte NC are natural beauty amplifiers, and taking care of them is effortless. There’s no hassle of cleaning or brushing them like other wooden embellishments. You also don’t need extra annual treatments. Just place the stones and pavestone in Charlotte, NC yard, and they’ll do their job of making the garden / yard come alive. And since it’s an effortless process, it’s no time-consuming either.

Attractive focal point using stone in Charlotte

Having a focal point earns extra credibility for gardens and yards. And stones can be just the focal point you need. Add a large stone in the middle of your yard and sprinkle some tiny ones around the flowers to make them pop. Regardless of the method, you’d be satisfied with the look, thanks to the stone in Charlotte NC.

Landscaping stones in Charlotte NC to help with the drainage

Rain might create puddles here and there, leading to a mosquito shelter or damage to the plants. None of them are pleasant. But for yards in Charlotte, pavers, and stone, you can prevent such situations. You can create beds of stone in Charlotte NC, to save your landscape from unwanted incidents. Also, try potting some mini stone in Charlotte at the plants’ bottom to protect the plants.

Now that you know how they help you, the question remains where you can get such stones. Also, since you already know stones have a substantial role in keeping your garden healthy, now consider the quality of it.

Let Andolina Materials handle your yard’s needs to amplify its beauty. We take care of the hard work on your behalf so you can continue your regular life without worrying about the yard.

Our high-quality landscaping stones in Charlotte NC will turn your yard or garden into a beautiful present. Also, we have a wide range of Charlotte pavers and stones that you can choose from. Here’s a list of them:

  • Crush and Run Stone
  • Stone Screenings
  • Rip-rap
  • Recycled Concrete
  • Path Stone
  • Stacked Stone
  • Decorative White Rock
  • Tennessee Brown River Rock
  • Tennessee Gravel
  • Pit Gravel
  • 5,57,67,78 Stone

That entails that regardless of the project you have, we’ve got you covered.

At Andolina, we don’t just offer top-shelf stones in Charlotte, NC; we also strive to meet our client’s budget, thus, have something for everyone – so you don’t need to leave empty-handed. Plus, you don’t have to stress about the quality being poor as we’re laser-focused on serving you the finest.

We also understand your delivery concerns; thus, we have both – the same-day and next-day delivery systems. You can also come and pick up the materials yourself.

We’ve been in the industry for over 15 years. During this time, we’ve educated ourselves to serve better and ensure improvements. Our 15 years of experience has made us more knowledgeable about materials and various project requirements, so you can get the best advice when you choose us as your stone suppliers in Charlotte. NC.

Our stone quality and professional customer care service helped us reach where we are today and made us one of the best landscaping stone suppliers in Charlotte. NC. We are proud of our achievements and intend to serve you more proficiently. So if you’re looking to get your projects done successfully, turn to Andolina Materials, and you’ll get yourself a smashing deal! Call us now!